
Budget friendly menu and ingredients for a family of 6

 Here's a budget-friendly monthly menu for your family of 6, including 4 kids (ages 1, 2, 3, and 7) and 2 adults. I've adapted it to be cost-effective within the UK, using ingredients available at Morrisons, Asda, or Iceland. I've also included a shopping list for each week. ♡Week 1 Monday - Breakfast: Porridge with fruit - Lunch: Cheese toasties with tomato soup - Dinner: Spaghetti with meatballs and a side salad Tuesday - Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with toast - Lunch: Chicken fajitas - Dinner: Baked salmon with rice and steamed broccoli Wednesday - Breakfast: Yogurt with granola and berries - Lunch: Turkey and cheese sandwiches with carrot sticks - Dinner: Beef stir-fry with noodles and mixed vegetables Thursday - Breakfast: Pancakes with maple syrup - Lunch: Tuna salad with crackers - Dinner: Chicken curry with rice and peas Friday - Breakfast: Smoothies with spinach, banana, and yogurt - Lunch: Ham and cheese quesadillas - Dinner: Homemade pizza with various toppings Sat

Free Colouring Pages for your littles, click to download image.

I created these colouring page for you to print off for free to keep your little ones occupied for a while, whilst you have a catch up. 

The Balancing Act: Navigating the World of Baby Groups

As a new parent, you're often bombarded with a plethora of advice on what's best for your baby. Among these well-meaning suggestions is the idea of joining baby groups. While these gatherings can offer numerous benefits, it's important to weigh them against potential drawbacks and consider why moderation might be key. Pros of Baby Groups •Socialization for Parents and Babies •Baby groups provide a unique opportunity for social interaction.  •Parents can connect with others in similar life stages, offering mutual support and companionship.  •For babies, being around their peers can stimulate development and help them learn important social skills like sharing and communication. •Structured Activities- These groups often have structured activities that can aid in your baby's cognitive and motor skill development. Engaging in songs, play, and other group activities can be enriching experiences for your little one. •Routine and Normalcy-Attending baby groups can establish a

The Organized Chaos of Parenting: Milestones and Wardrobes...

In the early years of motherhood, I found myself clinging to organization like a life raft in the open sea. It was my way of navigating the unpredictable waters of parenting—charting courses, marking milestones, and preparing for every season. The Milestone Map... With my eldest, I meticulously documented every developmental stage, eager to ensure we were on the right track. My notepad brimmed with expected dates for first words, first steps, and all the 'firsts' that parenting books and baby groups told me were essential. But as the pages filled, so did the pressure. Learning to Let Go... It wasn't until my third child came along that I realized the true nature of development—it's as individual as the child themselves. Each of my little ones blossomed in their own time, teaching me that while milestones are guides, they are not gospel. A Practical Approach to Planning... One aspect of organization that did prove invaluable, however, was planning for their ever-changing

The Resilient Mother: Navigating Mental Wellness

Looking back, the journey of motherhood is much like sailing in open waters—calm seas aren’t always guaranteed, and the waves come with lessons. As I sit here, reflecting on the intricate dance of motherhood and mental health, I can’t help but think of the ocean. It’s vast, unpredictable, and at times, turbulent. Yet, there’s a rhythm to its chaos, a lesson in every ebb and flow. I’ve learned to sail these waters with a sense of balance, but even the most seasoned sailors know that waves are an inevitable part of the voyage. What I Wish I’d Known Then... I remember the days when the waves seemed too high to overcome. The sleepless nights, the silent cries, and the overwhelming sense of being lost at sea. But with time, I gathered an arsenal of tools—compassion, patience, and resilience. The Lessons That Guided Me Home... It’s through the storms that I discovered my strength. I learned that it’s okay to ask for help, to admit that I’m not okay, and to take time to anchor myself when the