Budget friendly menu and ingredients for a family of 6

 Here's a budget-friendly monthly menu for your family of 6, including 4 kids (ages 1, 2, 3, and 7) and 2 adults. I've adapted it to be cost-effective within the UK, using ingredients available at Morrisons, Asda, or Iceland. I've also included a shopping list for each week.

♡Week 1


- Breakfast: Porridge with fruit

- Lunch: Cheese toasties with tomato soup

- Dinner: Spaghetti with meatballs and a side salad


- Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with toast

- Lunch: Chicken fajitas

- Dinner: Baked salmon with rice and steamed broccoli


- Breakfast: Yogurt with granola and berries

- Lunch: Turkey and cheese sandwiches with carrot sticks

- Dinner: Beef stir-fry with noodles and mixed vegetables


- Breakfast: Pancakes with maple syrup

- Lunch: Tuna salad with crackers

- Dinner: Chicken curry with rice and peas


- Breakfast: Smoothies with spinach, banana, and yogurt

- Lunch: Ham and cheese quesadillas

- Dinner: Homemade pizza with various toppings


- Breakfast: French toast with fruit

- Lunch: Mini burgers with fries

- Dinner: Roast chicken with mashed potatoes and green beans


- Breakfast: Bagels with cream cheese and fruit

- Lunch: Pasta salad with vegetables

- Dinner: Shepherd's pie with a side of peas

♡ Week 1 Shopping List

- Porridge

- Fresh fruit (bananas, berries, apples)

- Bread (for sandwiches and toast)

- Cheese (for grilled cheese sandwiches and quesadillas)

- Tomato soup

- Spaghetti

- Meatballs

- Salad ingredients (lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers)

- Eggs

- Chicken breasts

- Vegetables (lettuce, carrots, broccoli, mixed vegetables)

- Salmon fillets

- Rice

- Yogurt

- Granola

- Pancake mix

- Maple syrup

- Tuna

- Crackers

- Curry sauce

- Peas

- Spinach

- Bananas

- Ham

- Pizza dough or base

- Pizza toppings (cheese, pepperoni, vegetables)

- Ground beef (for burgers and shepherd's pie)

- Roast chicken

- Potatoes

- Green beans

- Bagels

- Cream cheese

- Pasta

- Shepherd's pie ingredients (ground beef, peas, mashed potatoes)

♡ Week 2


- Breakfast: Cereal with milk and fruit

- Lunch: Chicken nuggets with cucumber slices

- Dinner: Lasagne with garlic bread


- Breakfast: Omelette with vegetables

- Lunch: Peanut butter and jam sandwiches with apple slices

- Dinner: Grilled pork chops with roasted potatoes and asparagus


- Breakfast: Smoothies with mixed berries and yogurt

- Lunch: Cheese and crackers with cherry tomatoes

- Dinner: Tacos with ground beef, lettuce, cheese, and salsa


- Breakfast: Waffles with syrup and fruit

- Lunch: Egg salad sandwiches

- Dinner: Baked chicken with quinoa and steamed carrots


- Breakfast: Muffins with fruit

- Lunch: Pizza rolls with a side salad

- Dinner: Fish and chips with peas


- Breakfast: Breakfast burritos with eggs, cheese, and sausage

- Lunch: Grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup

- Dinner: Spaghetti carbonara with a side salad


- Breakfast: Croissants with jam and fruit

- Lunch: Chicken Caesar salad

- Dinner: Beef stew with bread rolls

♡Week 2 Shopping List

- Cereal

- Milk

- Fresh fruit (bananas, berries, apples)

- Chicken nuggets

- Cucumber

- Lasagna ingredients (pasta, ground beef, cheese, tomato sauce)

- Garlic bread

- Eggs

- Vegetables (peppers, onions, tomatoes)

- Peanut butter

- Jelly

- Apples

- Pork chops

- Potatoes

- Asparagus

- Smoothie ingredients (berries, yogurt)

- Cheese

- Crackers

- Cherry tomatoes

- Taco ingredients (ground beef, lettuce, cheese, salsa)

- Waffle mix

- Syrup

- Muffins

- Pizza rolls

- Fish fillets

- Chips

- Breakfast burrito ingredients (eggs, cheese, sausage)

- Croissants

- Jam

- Chicken breasts

- Caesar salad ingredients (lettuce, croutons, Caesar dressing)

- Beef stew ingredients (beef, potatoes, carrots, onions)

- Bread rolls

♡Week 3


- Breakfast: Oatmeal with honey and nuts

- Lunch: Turkey wraps with lettuce and cheese

- Dinner: Chicken Alfredo with broccoli


- Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with toast

- Lunch: Veggie sticks with hummus

- Dinner: Meatloaf with mashed potatoes and green beans


- Breakfast: Yogurt with granola and fruit

- Lunch: Ham and cheese sandwiches with cucumber slices

- Dinner: Shrimp stir-fry with rice and vegetables


- Breakfast: Pancakes with blueberries

- Lunch: Chicken salad with crackers

- Dinner: Beef tacos with lettuce, cheese, and salsa


- Breakfast: Smoothies with spinach, banana, and yogurt

- Lunch: Cheese quesadillas with salsa

- Dinner: Homemade pizza with various toppings


- Breakfast: French toast with fruit

- Lunch: Mini burgers with sweet potato fries

- Dinner: Roast beef with roasted vegetables and gravy


- Breakfast: Bagels with cream cheese and fruit

- Lunch: Pasta salad with vegetables

- Dinner: Chicken pot pie with a side of peas

♡Week 3 Shopping List

- Oatmeal

- Honey

- Nuts

- Turkey slices

- Lettuce

- Cheese

- Chicken breasts

- Alfredo sauce

- Broccoli

- Eggs

- Bread

- Veggie sticks (carrots, celery, bell peppers)

- Hummus

- Meatloaf ingredients (ground beef, breadcrumbs, eggs, onions)

- Mashed potatoes

- Green beans

- Yogurt

- Granola

- Ham

- Shrimp

- Rice

- Pancake mix

- Blueberries

- Chicken salad ingredients (chicken, mayo, celery)

- Spinach

- Bananas

- Cheese

- Quesadillas

- Salsa

- Pizza dough or base

- Pizza toppings (cheese, pepperoni, vegetables)

- Ground beef (for burgers and tacos)

- Sweet potatoes

- Roast beef

- Roasted vegetables (carrots, potatoes, onions)

- Gravy

- Bagels

- Cream cheese

- Pasta

- Chicken pot pie ingredients (chicken, pie crust, peas, carrots)

♡ Week 4


- Breakfast: Cereal with milk and fruit

- Lunch: Chicken nuggets with carrot sticks

- Dinner: Lasagne with garlic bread


- Breakfast: Omelette with vegetables

- Lunch: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with apple slices

- Dinner: Grilled pork chops with roasted potatoes and asparagus


- Breakfast: Smoothies with mixed berries and yogurt

- Lunch: Cheese and crackers with cherry tomatoes

- Dinner: Tacos with ground beef, lettuce, cheese, and salsa


- Breakfast: Waffles with syrup and fruit

- Lunch: Egg salad sandwiches

- Dinner: Baked chicken with quinoa and steamed carrots


- Breakfast: Muffins with fruit

- Lunch: Pizza rolls with a side salad

- Dinner: Fish and chips with peas


- Breakfast: Breakfast burritos with eggs, cheese, and sausage

- Lunch: Grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup

- Dinner: Spaghetti carbonara with a side salad


- Breakfast: Croissants with jam and fruit

- Lunch: Chicken Caesar salad

- Dinner: Beef stew with bread rolls

♡ Week 4 Shopping List

- Cereal

- Milk

- Fresh fruit (bananas, berries, apples)

- Chicken nuggets

- Carrot sticks

- Lasagne ingredients (pasta, ground beef, cheese, tomato sauce)

- Garlic bread

- Eggs

- Vegetables (peppers, onions, tomatoes)

- Peanut butter

- Jelly

- Apples

- Pork chops

- Potatoes

- Asparagus

- Smoothie ingredients (berries, yogurt)

- Cheese

- Crackers

- Cherry tomatoes

- Taco ingredients (ground beef, lettuce, cheese, salsa)

- Waffle mix

- Syrup

- Muffins

- Pizza rolls

- Fish fillets

- Chips

- Breakfast burrito ingredients (eggs, cheese, sausage)

- Croissants

- Jam

- Chicken breasts

- Caesar salad ingredients (lettuce, croutons, Caesar dressing)

- Beef stew ingredients (beef, potatoes, carrots, onions)

- Bread rolls


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